Wednesday, October 14, 2009

God's Timing

We often laugh about God’s timing. I certainly do because for some reason I think God’s timing should line up with mine versus the other way around. When I take time to think about that I realize how absurd. I’ve been reminded in big and small ways this week that God’s timing is perfect.

As I left my parent’s home on Sunday to return to Nashville my check engine light came on in my car. It didn’t just come on, it started to blink at me and my car started to sputter. Those of you that know me well will not find this surprising. The check engine light is a constant source of irritation for me. You see, I’m trying to live the debt free dream. With amazing provision from God that goal is becoming more and more visible! So, until then I pay for repairs on my paid car and look forward to the time when I can celebrate purchase of a newer more reliable mode of transportation with cash. It will happen.

Back to the story at hand however—so, I made it to Nashville and went to take my car to the garage to find out my mechanic is on vacation—timing. I phoned a friend to see if I could use his car while away and am happily allowing my bug to rest while enjoying the provision of a loaner from my friend. As my car will not diagnosed until next week I wondered, pondered, stressed over how it was I would get to and fro next week. Friends are headed out of town next week taking one car and leaving car #2 behind! Timing! I have been able to see the constant provision of God upon my life, be it a car matter or the harder moments in my journey. In fact when greeted by the flashing light I was able to recall the many times God has taken care of me. So I wait, and rest trusting in the Lord’s timing.

As for the big things, I just received word that a friend battling mesothelioma for close to a year now will not have to undergo his final surgery! He’s been through chemo and one very major surgery already and guess what? The residual amount of cancer is so small that the final surgery has been deemed unnecessary! It’s so small it’s hard to tell if it is cancerous! Certainly the cancer could return yet in all this my friend Todd has given amazing testimony to God’s work in his life regardless of what the future may hold. Todd certainly didn’t imagine cancer is his own journey but God has been faithful in the midst of it all.

Maybe I’m finally learning that God’s timing is perfect and nothing is wasted with God. He uses every circumstance!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


My favorite place to seek peace and quiet is found in Ogunquit, Maine in a small art studio nestled within Perkins Cove right along the coast. It’s a second home for me – a place where I can be still, hear from and reconnect with God.
In Chapter 48 of Isaiah, we can almost hear the cry of the prophet to “Hear!” “Listen!” “I am the Lord your God.” Many times I’ve walked along the shore line in the moonlight, just God and me. I’m awed by the vast ocean waves – their seeming endlessness. It’s one moment that completely silences me. There is peace in these moments because I have willfully sat, prayed, listened and heeded.
There have been times in my life – long stretches of time – in which I did not experience peace. Times where my obstinate nature kicked in. Rather than waiting on the Lord, concerning things like my career path or applying His word during family pain, I went off pouting. My expectations of ease led me to set out on my own, and try to figure it out for myself. What unrest! How I want the peace of God to consume me!My prayer for you and for me is that we’ll experience “peace that is like a river and righteousness like the waves of the sea” through our obedience to the Lord’s commands.

“If only you had paid attention to My commands. Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.”
Isaiah 48:18

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Singles in Celebration

Isn’t life grand? Most days I feel this way. Most days are a celebration for me, but there have been times that it’s been hard to say that.
I certainly pictured family in my life and have pouted over the fact that “family” in the way I pictured it has yet to develop. This past Christmas, however, God reminded me of gifts He’s supplied: surrogate Moms and Dads when needed; 2 adopted nieces and 5 adopted nephews; brothers and sisters and deep, strong friendships supplied by the blood of Christ. Incredible! I have a larger family than I ever thought possible! I celebrate them in many ways: free babysitting, special road trips, a phone call and even letters sent via snail mail. They in turn celebrate with hugs, places to do laundry, second homes and some good cookin’! These friends and family are an intentional, important blessing in my life.
I think I’ll get a cupcake, stick a candle in it and praise God for the many celebrations He’s supplied in this single life!